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Chile intercountry adoption factsheet
Occurs on: Preparing to be a caregiver or adoptive parent, Adoption – Intercountry adoption: adopting a tamaiti from overseas, Types of care
Chile and New Zealand have agreed to follow the Hague Convention and adoptions must comply.
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Philippines intercountry adoption factsheet
Occurs on: Adoption – Intercountry adoption: adopting a tamaiti from overseas, Preparing to be a caregiver or adoptive parent, Types of care
The Philippines and New Zealand have agreed to follow the Hague Convention and adoptions must comply.
Before rangatahi turn 18 — preparing them to leave our care
We must prepare and assist eligible rangatahi over 15 years old when they leave care or a youth justice residential placement to successfully transition to adulthood.
Care standards
The National Care Standards set out the standard of care that tamariki and rangatahi need to be well and do well while they're in care, and the support that caregivers can expect to receive.
Supporting whānau connections
We need to support tamariki to establish, maintain and strengthen safe connections with their whānau or family (including siblings), hapū, iwi, marae and family group, and anyone else they or their whānau or family identify as important.
Working with disability and learning supports, mental health and ACC
We work in partnership with tamariki and rangatahi and their whānau or family and collaborate with health and disability services to ensure that oranga needs and aspirations are understood and well supported.
Working with Māori
Kairaranga ā-whānau
Kairaranga ā-whānau is a specialist Māori role. The literal meaning of the term is: a person who is a weaver of family connections.
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Caregiver travel costs – fact sheet and scenarios
Occurs on: Caregiver support
What caregivers can expect to be paid for travel costs relating to tamariki in the care or custody of the chief executive, along with examples.
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Care and protection resource panel – handbook
Occurs on: Care and protection resource panel
This handbook sets out the requirements for Oranga Tamariki staff and panel members.
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Joint family group conference protocol for children who offend
Occurs on: Youth justice family group conference – convening the conference, Using Family Court orders to respond to tamariki who offend – section 14(1)(e), Tamariki with offending behaviours
Agency expectations for enhanced collaboration between Police and Oranga Tamariki.