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Va'aifetū, part II: Principles, cultural frameworks, guidelines
Occurs on: Working with Pacific peoples: Va'aifetū
Practical guide on how to integrate culture into practice in pursuit of best outcomes for children.
Youth justice, Interventions
Working in the Youth Court Te Kōti Taiohi o Aotearoa
Tamariki and rangatahi charged with offences appear in the Youth Court, Te Kōti Rangatahi or the Pasifika Court. Te Kōti Rangatahi and the Pasifika Court work within the Youth Court legal structure and have culturally appropriate venues and processes.
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Understanding oranga to help us work with harm, risk and uncertain situations
Paper about reforming our social work offer to ensure we are understanding situations more holistically and being relational.
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Va'aifetū – working with Fijian and Fijian Indian families
Occurs on: Working with Pacific peoples: Va'aifetū
Fijian and Fijian Indian cultural framework for practice, including key principles.
Interventions, Policy
Family group conferences for care or protection concerns
We support tamariki and their whānau or family to create their own solutions to address care or protection concerns through the family group conference process, from referral to review, including when a family group conference is reconvened.
Assessment and planning, Policy
Quality assessment ensures our decision-making responds to the individual immediate and long-term needs of all tamariki and rangatahi we work with. Quality assessments give effect to the Oranga Tamariki practice standards and the National Care Standards.
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Joint protocol – Family Court responses for children who offend
Occurs on: Using Family Court orders to respond to tamariki who offend – section 14(1)(e)
Agency expectations for enhanced collaboration between Police and Oranga Tamariki.
Information and visits for prospective placements
To help tamariki and rangatahi have a positive experience when they enter care or go to a new placement, we make sure they understand what's happening and where they're going ahead of time with the 'Welcome to our home' booklet and pre-placement visits.
Allegations of harm to tamariki by caregivers
The safety and oranga of te tamaiti is our first concern when an allegation of harm is made against a caregiver or there are concerns for oranga. We are respectful, fair, transparent and sensitive to caregivers’ needs during the assessment/investigation.
Information sharing
Disclosing information
Any decision to disclose information should be done to help support and protect tamariki or rangatahi, or assist their whānau or family to help tamariki or rangatahi as early as possible.