We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/care/caregivers/allegations-of-harm-to-tamariki-by-caregivers/allegations-of-criminal-behaviour-by-caregivers-other-than-abuse-neglect-or-harm-of-tamariki/
Printed: 08/02/2025
Printed pages may be out of date. Please check this information is current before using it in your practice.

Last updated: 01/04/2019

Allegations of criminal behaviour by caregivers other than abuse, neglect, or harm of tamariki

What to do when an allegation is made against a caregiver relating to criminal behaviour other than abuse, neglect, or harm of tamariki — eg, fraud or theft.

Upcoming changes for this guidance

This content will be strengthened so it more completely reflects our commitment to practice framed by te Tiriti o Waitangi, based on a mana-enhancing paradigm for practice, and drawing from ​Te Ao Māori principles of oranga to support mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. We each need to consider how we can apply these principles to our practice when reading this guidance. The following resources provide support:
Practice for working effectively with Māori
Our practice shift

What to do if criminal behaviour by a caregiver is alleged

Once you become aware of alleged criminal behaviour, discuss with your supervisor to determine the best course of action, including notifying Police if appropriate. Oranga Tamariki will then cooperate with the Police as required.

Legal services may also need to be involved, particularly if the best course of action is not clear.

Reviewing a caregiver who has been charged with or convicted of an offence

If a caregiver is charged with, or convicted of, an offence, we must review their approval status.

When reviewing the caregiver's status, consider:

  • What risk does the alleged offending present to a child or young person?
  • Is the caregiver an appropriate role model?
  • How does this impact on their ability to provide care for a child or young person?

Policy: Review of caregiver approval