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Caregiver advertising
This policy applies when we are advertising for caregivers.Practice framework prompts for this policy
Our practice framework helps us make sense of and organise our practice so it is framed in te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi), and draws from te ao Māori principles of oranga, within the context of our role in statutory child protection and youth justice in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Ngākau whakairo
How will I uphold the right of te tamaiti or rangatahi to be cared for within their family, whānau, hapū, iwi or family group when considering advertising for caregivers?
Ngākau whakairo practice framework domain
Whai mātauranga
What knowledge and networks am I drawing on when considering advertising for caregivers?
Whai mātauranga practice framework domain
Whai oranga
How can I support potential caregivers to understand the significance of whakapapa (significant people, places, cultural values) and its connection to oranga for te tamaiti or rangatahi?
Whai oranga practice framework domain
Whai pūkenga
What specific skills, behaviours or knowledge relevant to the local care population am I considering advertising for? How will I ensure prospective caregivers fully understand what becoming a caregiver will mean for them and their whānau or family?
Whai pūkenga practice framework domain
Whai ākona
What do I think about te tamaiti or rangatahi being cared for outside of family? What whānau, social and academic messages have informed my thinking about the place of caregiving in our community?
Advertisements are for general recruitment
Advertisements must not seek caregivers for specific tamariki.
Advertisements can be used to:
- attract people who may be interested in becoming a caregiver
- attract caregivers who are willing to provide a specific type of care, such as respite care or permanent care
- seek caregivers with skills or knowledge relevant to the local care population.
Where we can advertise
Advertisements can be placed online or in print media.
Advertisements must not be placed anywhere that:
- is inconsistent with the wellbeing and mana of tamariki
- promotes harmful behaviour
- is politically aligned.
This includes websites associated primarily with trading goods and services, such as Trade Me.
Approval of advertisements
Advertisements must be approved at the appropriate level:
- National advertising –General Manager Caregiver Recruitment and Support
- Regional advertising – Caregiver Recruitment and Support Manager
- Local (site) advertising – Caregiver Recruitment and Support Manager