We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/policy/rangatahi-in-care-driving-a-vehicle/
Printed: 07/03/2025
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Rangatahi in care or custody driving a vehicle

Rangatahi in care or custody need to be supported to gain a driver licence like all rangatahi in Aotearoa need support. We ensure rangatahi and vehicle owners understand the implications, responsibilities, and the support available from Oranga Tamariki.

Responsibilities of Oranga Tamariki

The social worker for the rangatahi must ensure the rangatahi is encouraged to drive safely, by considering:

The social worker for the rangatahi must provide the private vehicle owner and the rangatahi with information so they can each make an informed decision about the use of the vehicle.

Insurance claims

If an incident occurs while the rangatahi is using the vehicle they are insured to drive, and the vehicle owner needs to make an insurance claim, the vehicle owner must:

  • lodge the claim with their insurance company, and
  • advise the Oranga Tamariki social worker for the rangatahi.

Use of Oranga Tamariki vehicles

Rangatahi are never allowed to drive an Oranga Tamariki vehicle. Oranga Tamariki vehicles are for the use of staff only.

Staff resource: Oranga Tamariki motor vehicle policy

Transition support service

If rangatahi are eligible for the transition support service (because they have left care or custody), they may be able to get financial assistance and advice for using another person's vehicle.

Policy: Transition to adulthood – Advice and assistance