We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-approach/practice-standards/keep-accurate-records/
Printed: 22/02/2025
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Last updated: 08/11/2017

Keep accurate records – tohu Keep accurate records

I will document my key actions and decisions for each tamaiti I am working with, in order to ensure significant decisions are clearly evidenced and transparent.

I will know I have achieved this standard when...

  • I have clearly demonstrated my implementation of the practice standards for tamariki I work with in my case notes, assessments, plans and reports
  • I have clearly documented any key decisions I have made or actions I have taken for tamariki I work with, who was involved, the rationale for those decisions or actions and my next steps
  • I have clearly documented how te tamaiti, their whānau, caregivers or others working with them have responded to my decisions
  • I have clearly documented any oversight/approval that has been obtained for key decisions that require it.

Quality practice means I also…

  • ensure tamariki voices, views and feedback are clearly evident in case records
  • where appropriate, engage and include the voice of the victims of offending when working with tamariki in the youth justice setting
  • clearly document my understanding of the cultural needs of tamariki Māori and whānau Māori and how I have responded to these
  • clearly document my understanding of the cultural needs of Pacific and all other diverse tamariki and their families, and how I have responded to these
  • keep a chronology of events for te tamaiti.

Why do we have this standard?

As practitioners, we are accountable through our record-keeping. Records provide an important story of our processes and our progress in the cases we manage. They include information gathered and interpreted to gain insight and to guide responses to the needs of tamariki and whānau. Records include initial and on-going assessment information, on-going planning, interventions and then the closure of involvement with te tamaiti and their whānau by Oranga Tamariki.

Oranga Tamariki accesses information about tamariki and whānau on the understanding that it is gathered purposefully and accurately, and that privacy is safeguarded. Information is treated with respect and shared with others when needed to enhance tamariki safety and wellbeing. All records must provide an accurate description of the engagement of te tamaiti and their whānau with our services. The best interests of te tamaiti should inform how records are made and kept.

Legislation states that the wellbeing and safety of te tamaiti should take priority over any duty of confidentiality.

How will we know we have made a difference?

This standard will contribute to the following objectives:

1. Improve the assessment and addressing of need, by:

  • ensuring assessments and plans are informed by evidence of previous involvement with te tamaiti and their whānau.

2. Improving children’s experience of the support they receive, by:

  • improving client satisfaction with Oranga Tamariki services, as current and former tamariki receiving Oranga Tamariki services will have better access to key information about their lives and the rationale for decisions made about them.

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