If we determine suicide or concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, we must create a person characteristic to record this.
CYRAS handbook – Creating a Person Record (staff resource)

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-approach/practice-standards/use-professional-supervision/
Printed: 28/03/2025
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Last updated: 08/11/2017

Use professional supervision – tohu Use professional supervision

I will use professional supervision to critically reflect on my practice, in order to ensure my decision-making is robust and to build the quality of my professional practice.

I will know I have achieved this standard when...

  • I come well prepared for supervision and am fully engaged with the supervision process in line with the Oranga Tamariki supervision policy
  • I always ensure supervision helps me keep my practice child-centred in all my work
  • I have used professional supervision for advice and guidance to challenge and support my practice and to create space for critical reflection
  • I have used professional supervision to support safe cultural engagement and practice with Māori
  • I have used professional supervision to support safe cultural engagement and practice with Pacific and other diverse cultures in Aotearoa
  • my supervision is evidenced in supervision records and case notes.

Quality practice means I also…

  • support and challenge myself to deliver excellence in my day-to-day practice
  • continuously seek feedback on my practice to inform my strengths and areas for development
  • proactively seek advice and engage in conversations that are reflective and analytical to help improve my professional judgement
  • ensure accountability for organisational policy and procedure 
  • use professional supervision for emotional support, containment and to build emotional intelligence and resilience.

Why do we have this standard?

  • Professional supervision provides us with guidance and support to develop and sustain quality, child-centred practice.
  • When we engage in professional supervision, we are participating in a formal and on-going process that promotes our:
    • professional competence 
    • accountability and safe practice
    • continuing professional development and learning
    • personal oranga and wellbeing (kaimahi ora).
  • Professional supervision also helps us critically reflect on our practice and it enhances our ability to make quality professional judgements. Building our capability in these areas helps us develop greater self-efficacy in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Professional supervision can also be essential in mitigating the impact of vicarious trauma and stress. Through conversations that support us to manage our wellbeing we are also better able to seek further help when we need it.
  • Cultural supervision supports us to be more effective in working with Māori and those tamariki and whānau who come from diverse backgrounds. This is an important part of our professional growth. It helps ensure the aspirations of all cultures are respected and explored and that services and practices are culturally responsive.

How will we know we have made a difference?

This standard will contribute to the following objectives:

  1. Improving the assessment and addressing of need, by:
    • improving the quality of professional judgement and decisions for tamariki.
  2. Improving the engagement of staff, by:
    • building staff confidence and competence to exercise professional judgement based on the individual needs of tamariki
    • enhancing the levels of support practitioners receive when making complex casework decisions.

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