We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/care/caregivers/assessing-and-approving-caregivers-and-adoptive-parents/advertising-for-caregivers/
Printed: 10/03/2025
Printed pages may be out of date. Please check this information is current before using it in your practice.

Last updated: 26/08/2019

Advertising for caregivers

This guidance helps us develop appropriate advertisements to attract caregivers, and sets out the process.

When to use advertising

The caregiver advertising policy states that advertising should be conducted for general caregiver recruitment only.

Policy: Caregiver advertising

How to advertise for caregivers

1 Complete a request form

Fill in the communications request form on Te Pae.

Communications | Te Pae

Once completed, give it to the appropriate manager for their approval.

Policy: Caregiver advertising — approval of advertisements

The manager then emails the completed brief to the Communications team.

2 Create the content

The Communications team provides the following information to the manager for approval:

  • suggested advertisement content, based on the brief
  • suggested advertisement timings
  • suggested advertisement locations
  • pricing quotes.

Advertising options

3 Get approval and provide confirmation

Once the content has been approved by the manager, the Communications team publishes the advertisement.

A confirmation email is sent to both the manager and the person who requested the advertisement.

4 Manage enquiries

Enquiries should be received by the caregiver enquiries team.

If enquiries come in through the site and social workers, these enquiries should be directed to the caregiver enquiries team.

5 Monitor responses and report on results

The Communications teram monitors the advertising response rates and shares fortnightly reports on the impacts and results.

The caregiver support manager monitors enquiries at a site level.

The central caregiver enquiries team measures direct enquiries.

Advertising options

The Communications team provides suggested advertisement options based on the completed advertisement request brief.


Online is the preferred advertising channel because it can:

  • be highly targeted to ensure we reach the right people
  • link potential applicants directly to a relevant webpage for more information
  • be published faster and results can be measured.

Places we can advertise include (but are not limited to) Facebook, Neighbourly and Seek.

The caregiver advertising policy prohibits advertising that includes any details of specific tamariki or advertising in places inconsistent with the wellbeing and mana of tamariki. Examples of places we should avoid include those associated with:

  • the trading of goods and services, such as Trade Me
  • harmful behaviour, such as alcohol use or gambling
  • overtly political positions.

Policy: Caregiver advertising


Advertising is appropriate in a range of print media, such as community or national newspapers.

Existing networks

Consider existing networks that Oranga Tamariki has in the region. This includes (but is not limited to) community groups, local providers and churches. These groups often have their own networks that can assist in appropriate recruitment. Be mindful about public perception when working with these networks.

Contact for more information

The Communications team can help with any questions.

Email: comms_managers@ot.govt.nz