If we determine suicide or concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, we must create a person characteristic to record this.
CYRAS handbook – Creating a Person Record (staff resource)

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/policy/working-with-disabled-tamariki-who-require-a-specialised-out-of-home-placement/
Printed: 28/03/2025
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Last updated: 25/03/2025

Working with disabled tamariki who require a specialised out-of-home care arrangement

This policy outlines the ways to provide support for disabled tamariki with high and complex needs and may require a specialised out-of-home care arrangement.

Updates made to this policy

Changes have been made to a number of pages on the Practice Centre to align with the practice approach. Specific changes include:

  • Tiaki Oranga replaces the safety and risk screen, and is now being used throughout the life of a case, across service lines whenever we need to understand current safety.
  • All references to the Tuituia domains and subdomains have been removed and we now promote the use of Te Puna Oranga and our models, tools and resources to build and deepen our understanding.
  • The Tuituia report has been replaced with the assessment report. 

Who this policy applies to

Tamariki and rangatahi who have high and complex disability needs and may require a specialised out-of-home care arrangement.

What is a specialised out-of-home placement

The needs of te tamaiti or rangatahi are high and complex, which requires caregivers or service providers to have disability expertise and, in some cases, environmental adaptations.