We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-approach/practice-framework/whai-matauranga/partnering-to-build-understanding/
Printed: 23/02/2025
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Practice framework

Last updated: 07/08/2023

Partnering to build understanding

Working in partnership means we value whānau and family as partners, seeking their understandings, views and solutions, alongside a range of iwi, community and professional colleagues.

This means we: 

  • listen to and value the voice, lived experience and worldviews of tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau or family
  • confidently have challenging conversations about the impacts of harm on tamariki and rangatahi and how this affects oranga (wellbeing)
  • partner and plan with tamariki/mokopuna, rangatahi and whānau or family and our partners to build safety and achieve oranga (wellbeing), applying Te Ao Māori values and beliefs
  • understand the role, purpose and perspective of our professional partners, and why they might have formed a view which differs from our own – and are able to discuss this.

Related practice standard

Work closely in partnership with others