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Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-approach/practice-standards/create-implement-and-review-a-written-assessment-and-plan/
Printed: 08/02/2025
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Last updated: 08/11/2017

Create, implement and review a written assessment and plan – tohu Create, implement and review a written assessment and plan

I will create a written assessment and plan with each tamaiti and review them when required, in order to identify and address their full range of needs.

I will know I have achieved this standard when...

  • I have a written assessment for te tamaiti describing their needs, strengths and risks
  • the assessment includes the views of te tamaiti, their whānau, hapū, iwi and caregivers
  • I have shared my assessment with te tamaiti and their whānau and caregivers and the assessment has been approved by my supervisor, line manager or the person I am accountable to
  • I have ensured te tamaiti, whānau, hapū, iwi, caregivers, other agencies and those relevant people working with te tamaiti are fully involved in assessment and decision-making
  • I have a written plan for te tamaiti which describes the key actions that will be taken to address their needs, when, and by whom
  • the plan describes clearly the outcomes that te tamaiti, their whānau, hapū, iwi, caregivers, and those working with them want to see achieved, their contribution to the plan, and a date for reviewing progress.

Quality practice means I also…

  • see the needs of tamariki in a holistic way with focus on long term outcomes
  • ensure assessments and plans are trauma-informed and culturally responsive, articulating the cultural needs of te tamaiti and whānau
  • ensure assessments and plans articulate the cultural needs of tamariki from Pacific and all other diverse cultural backgrounds
  • clearly articulate the risks and strengths of te tamaiti, their whānau and caregivers and I have identified what needs to change for te tamaiti.

Why do we have this standard?

  • For tamariki to be fully supported in their journey to oranga and wellbeing, both their immediate needs (in terms of their risk, safety and behaviour) and longer term needs (including their education, health and employment) must be addressed. All needs should be identified and assessed clearly in a single plan made with te tamaiti and their whānau and caregiving families. Securing a sense of love, belonging and stability for tamariki is critical for their wellbeing and this must happen as soon as possible.
  • Written assessments will need to capture the wishes and feelings of tamariki, and analyse their strengths, needs and risks in a holistic way. Practitioners need to determine whether tamariki have developmental, mental/behavioural health, and trauma issues that warrant further assessment. The assessment should include the views of te tamaiti, whānau and those caring for them.
  • Plans, as with assessments, are expected to be dynamic tools that are revised and reviewed on a regular basis in response to progress in achieving the case plan goals and long term outcomes for te tamaiti. Assessments and plans should be developed, shared and reviewed with te tamaiti, their whānau, caregivers, and all relevant professionals working with them.

How will we know we have made a difference?

This standard will contribute to the following objectives:

  1. Improving the stability of placements, by:
    • enhancing care planning and decision making for tamariki in care
    • enabling better matching of caregiving families with tamariki in care
    • improving the quality of assessments and plans for tamariki, including the extent to which assessments and plans identify and connect tamariki and whānau with services to address their full range of needs
    • increasing the visibility of the views and voices of tamariki in assessments and plans.

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