Assessment and planning
Talking with and listening to tamariki and rangatahi
When tamariki and rangatahi have been harmed or may be at risk, we engage, talk with them and listen to understand how they’ve been impacted by their experiences to inform our understanding of them and any planning with them, whānau or family and others.
Youth justice, Interventions
Planning for the Youth Court Te Kōti Taiohi o Aotearoa
Early preparation, thorough planning and collaboration are vital in supporting tamariki and rangatahi who appear in the Youth Court, Te Kōti Rangatahi or the Pasifika Court. We also engage with victims to consider their views and keep them informed.
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Legal aspects relating to the gateway assessment process
Occurs on: Gateway assessments, Medical examinations and treatment
Summarises what social workers need to know about the legal aspects of the gateway process.