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Overseas travel – flowchart and checklists
Occurs on: Domestic and overseas travel
The overseas travel checklist must be completed before travel is booked.
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Request for family/whānau caregiver assessment in Australia template
Occurs on: When children and young people move (including overseas) policy — Resources
Use this template when requesting that an Australian state or territory undertakes an assessment of prospective whānau or family caregivers living in Australia.
Using the My Rights My Voice cards and booklet
The engagement cards are the key tool that social workers use when explaining rights to tamariki and rangatahi. My Rights My Voice is a booklet version of the cards tamariki and rangatahi can keep.
Timeframes for youth justice family group conferences
The timeframes for convening and holding youth justice family group conference are directed under s249 of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 (the Act). This section outlines the maximum times allowed under law. There are different times set out for the convening and holding phases of the family group conference.
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Request for interstate assessment of parent/s for reunification – template
Occurs on: When children and young people move (including overseas) policy — Resources
Template with examples of possible areas to be covered in the assessment report.
— download (PDF 175 KB)
Police and Oranga Tamariki section 48 flowchart
Occurs on: Unaccompanied tamariki and rangatahi – section 48
Process for unaccompanied tamariki and rangatahi.
Legal provisions for medical examinations
An overview of the 3 provisions of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 where we or the court can arrange physical, psychological or psychiatric examinations for tamariki or rangatahi, or their parents, guardians or caregivers.
Seeking solutions with families
We consider a family/whānau agreement when we have concerns for the oranga of te tamaiti or rangatahi but there are positive safety factors within the whānau or family (recorded in the Tuituia assessment).
Use of electronic communication in residences
This key information outlines how to help keep children and young people safe when using media, music, games and electronic devices.
Making a birth whānau or family history
When expectant parents decide to place their tamaiti for adoption, we should help them and their whānau or family prepare a birth whānau or family history.