We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/care/caring-for-tamariki-in-care/using-de-escalation-to-respond-to-risk-for-tamariki-rangatahi-self-and-others/
Printed: 09/03/2025
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Last updated: 24/01/2025

Using de-escalation to respond to risk for tamariki, rangatahi, self and others

Sometimes the emotional distress or actions of te tamaiti or rangatahi can put them or others at risk. It is important that we respond in ways that will de-escalate risk and support the safety and oranga of those involved.

De-escalation in the context of our work

Our mahi often takes place in an emotionally charged context. If the emotional distress or actions of tamariki or rangatahi could put them, us or others at risk, we need to consider what response will:

  • de-escalate the situation
  • protect te tamaiti or rangatahi
  • secure the safety of everyone involved.

Our response needs to be relational, inclusive and restorative and:

  • recognise the journey of te tamaiti or rangatahi and how they may be feeling
  • recognise that emotional distress may look different for each tamaiti or rangatahi
  • recognise that emotional distress may be more complex where te tamaiti or rangatahi has a disability and/or communication impairments
  • respect their mana and oranga
  • look for solutions to the situation
  • avoid the use of physical force, intervention or restraint (unless this is necessary and justifiable in the circumstances).

Who this guidance applies to

The guidance applies to all Oranga Tamariki kaimahi working with tamariki or rangatahi outside the physical environment of a section 364 residence.

Policy: Managing serious and imminent harm by tamariki and rangatahi

Policy: Working with tamariki and rangatahi in remand homes

Policy: Working with tamariki and rangatahi in supervised group homes

When this guidance doesn’t apply

This guidance does not apply to Oranga Tamariki kaimahi working in a section 364 residence (youth justice or care and protection).

When rangatahi are in a section 364 residence, we refer to:

Ngākau whakairo – using rights, values and beliefs to support mana and enhance oranga of te tamaiti or rangatahi

'Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our tamariki and rangatahi is our primary focus in everything we do. We will ask ourselves ‘Is this the right thing to do for the child?’ and seek advice from our colleagues committing to continuous improvement and creating better ways of doing things.' Oranga Tamariki Code of Conduct 2019

We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi in a way that supports their oranga and honours their mana and whakapapa.

We recognise the right of all tamariki and rangatahi:

  • to be protected from harm (article 19 of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNCRoC))
  • to not be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (article 37(a) of UNCRoC)
  • to be treated with dignity and respect (article 39 of UNCRoC).

The Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 specifies situations where kaimahi may use reasonable force or physical restraint on te tamaiti or rangatahi to execute warrants or when returning a tamaiti or rangatahi to their home or care arrangement when orders apply. However, our policy within Oranga Tamariki is to de-escalate stressful situations and mitigate risk to te tamaiti or rangatahi or others. We always work in a way that is sensitive to the situation, focuses on de-escalation, and avoids any physical intervention wherever possible. This does not prevent us from taking emergency measures to prevent harm – for example, restraining te tamaiti or rangatahi who is about to run on a road or harm themselves or others. Any such physical contact should be in line with the policy and be discussed with our supervisor as soon as possible after the event.

We support te tamaiti or rangatahi to express their views and work with them to ensure they have the support that they need to do so in a way that does not put themselves or others at risk of harm.

Whai matauranga – draw from knowledge and experience to help te tamaiti or rangatahi manage stressful situations

We recognise that emotional distress can be a natural response to difficult and challenging situations and that the way some individuals respond may put themselves or others in danger. This may be particularly true for tamariki and rangatahi who have experienced previous trauma or who do not have skills or knowledge to manage their response.

Our response during these times is critical. Using force or restraint as a response to a situation where te tamaiti or rangatahi may be putting themselves or others at risk can leave te tamaiti or rangatahi feeling unsafe and revictimised. It may also have an ongoing impact on their oranga and mana, and may put them at risk of physical injury.

It is often possible to anticipate situations when the emotional distress of te tamaiti or rangatahi may escalate towards harmful behaviour. There may be times and events in the lives of te tamaiti or rangatahi that are more likely to generate distress. These may include:

  • immediately after contact with parents or other whānau or family members
  • when they are moved from a place they do not want to leave
  • when they are transitioning between placements
  • significant life events like birthdays, deaths and funerals or tangihanga, anniversaries of deaths, or breaking up with a significant other
  • disruption to regular routine – particularly for disabled tamariki or rangatahi with, for example, an anxiety disorder or autism spectrum disorder
  • other traumatic events
  • when they are receiving information that they do not want to hear – for example, changes in contact arrangements or the care arrangement.

We draw from the knowledge and experience of te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family and family group or caregivers. Wherever possible, we work with te tamaiti or rangatahi to identify situations that might cause them stress. We talk with whānau, family and caregivers to understand their perspective and what they think helps to support te tamaiti or rangatahi when they are distressed. We use this knowledge to develop a plan with te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau, family and caregivers that helps us to:

  • anticipate, recognise and diffuse stressful situations
  • identify alternative strategies we could use as a response to such situations
  • help te tamaiti or rangatahi to maintain or regain a sense of control.

We draw from and use recognised techniques that have been shown to de-escalate challenging situations or distress, including:

  • keeping a safe distance – maintain a distance that respects personal distancing, does not appear confrontational and enables an escape if required (standing slightly side-on to the person is less confrontational than face to face)
  • taking threats seriously – respond appropriately to all threats
  • keeping calm – be aware of our behaviour and the impact this may have, and create a calm atmosphere (for example, by lowering the volume, pitch or tone of our voice)
  • removing the ‘audience’ – some tamariki and rangatahi may act out more if they are surrounded by an audience (particularly other tamariki or rangatahi), and moving them or their audience may reduce their emotional distress or behaviour
  • sending for help as soon as possible
  • giving space to vent – sometimes being able to release some of the energy (by shouting, screaming or pacing, for example) might help to avoid more violent physical responses
  • listening – take the time to listen to what their worries are and what is making them angry or agitated, practise ‘active’ listening and use language te tamaiti or rangatahi can understand
  • walking away – when te tamaiti or rangatahi is angry, they may not always be able to listen to or see alternative points of view, so we can remove ourselves from the situation and give te tamaiti or rangatahi some time to calm down on their own
  • problem solving – if it is safe to do so, we should encourage them to work with us so they in turn learn to work with others. This technique often works well with rangatahi who are starting to become independent but still need boundaries to help them make safe decisions.

Whai oranga – working with te tamaiti or rangatahi and others to mitigate stressful situations and promote oranga

We recognise that the outward distress or behaviour of te tamaiti or rangatahi may be an expression of deep hurt, anxiety, fear or anger that may be related to past experience and trauma. We respond in ways that will protect the oranga and physical safety of te tamaiti or rangatahi we work with if they are in real or imminent danger or if their distress is placing others in danger. The takepū of Te Toka Tūmoana can help to guide and strengthen our practice with tamariki and rangatahi Māori and others when they are feeling stressed or anxious.


Our practice when working directly with tamariki and rangatahi, including times when their distress may put themselves or others at risk, should reflect our role as kaitiaki to protect, keep safe, support and sustain their oranga. How we plan for stressful situations, implement that plan and respond will have an impact on those we work with.

  • We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family and caregivers to build understanding of te tamaiti or rangatahi and create supportive networks that enable them to feel safe.
  • We draw from and use the cultural processes of whānau to keep whānau safe and protected.
  • We consider and reflect on how our own behaviour is demonstrating aroha and promoting oranga for this tamaiti or rangatahi.
  • We behave in ways that defuse or de-escalate stressful situations and support the mana of te tamaiti or rangatahi.
  • We respect the role and responsibility of whānau or family as kaitiaki and work with them to develop understanding and develop plans to support the oranga of their tamariki and rangatahi.


Our work with te tamaiti or rangatahi demonstrates genuine care. We seek to enhance the strengths and potential in others in a way that is mindful of their mana and safety and the mana and safety of others.

We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family and caregivers to identify and maximise their strengths, to care for and build their mana and to help them to respond in ways that will not put themselves or others at risk.

We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi to:

  • build understanding about what can impact on their oranga
  • identify and develop strengths they can draw on to manage stressful situations
  • respond to situations in ways that enhance their mana and enable them to communicate and participate in ways that keep them safe and build oranga
  • build resilience to stressful situations.

Whai oranga practice framework domain

Working with Māori: Te Toka Tūmoana

Whai pūkenga – using practice skills to support the mana and safety of te tamaiti or rangatahi and others

Practice skills involving building understanding and planning with te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family and caregivers are vital to identifying and managing situations that might put te tamaiti or rangatahi or others at risk. Building and strengthening de-escalation techniques enables us to work with te tamaiti or rangatahi in ways that respect and support their mana and oranga.

We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi to understand:

  • how they are feeling
  • how they might respond in times of distress
  • what factors or circumstances may generate their emotional distress
  • how we would recognise that they are starting to feel distressed
  • what helps them to remain calm.

Where te tamaiti or rangatahi is unable to communicate or has difficulty communicating verbally, we work with their whānau or family and caregivers to understand more about how te tamaiti or rangatahi is likely to respond to and manage stressful situations.

Identifying situations in advance that may be upsetting for te tamaiti or rangatahi and having a detailed plan allows us to respond in a manner that keeps te tamaiti or rangatahi, others and ourselves safe. We work with our supervisor, te tamaiti or rangatahi, whānau or family and caregivers to develop a plan to:

  • identify factors that may put te tamaiti or rangatahi or others at risk (such as absconding, verbal or physical outbursts, suicide or self-harm)
  • understand potential reactions of te tamaiti or rangatahi, whānau or family and caregivers
  • plan strategies to avoid or manage any potentially volatile situations – some tamariki and rangatahi may find karakia or prayer useful to feel calm and prepare for a situation, or feel calm and diffuse a situation (kaimahi should explore these types of strategies, including who may be best to help with this if it is something that te tamaiti or rangatahi indicates is important for them)
  • manage any issues that may arise
  • manage any potential risks that may be present
  • identify what support te tamaiti or rangatahi, whānau or family or caregivers may need during this time – is there someone who could be there to support them?
  • identify what support we may require (including Police support if necessary).

Where te tamaiti or rangatahi is in care, kaimahi need to work with te tamaiti or rangatahi to update the All About Me plan so the people caring for them can understand how they can support them. We also work with caregivers to ensure that the caregiver support plan includes information to help them understand how they can best support te tamaiti or rangatahi in their care and what support they may need to do so.

If we are sensing a rise in emotional distress, techniques such as checking in on how te tamaiti or rangatahi is feeling, acknowledging their feelings, listening, problem solving, diverting, or redirecting their attention might be enough to help them feel safe, secure and calm in the moment.

We take opportunities to develop and strengthen skills to support de-escalation. The Safety Intervention Programme (formerly Managing Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA)) training package is recommended for all kaimahi. Speak to your supervisor or line manager about doing this course or completing a MAPA refresher if you have already completed the training.

Whai ākona – developing practice to support te tamaiti or rangatahi to identify and manage stressful situations

We use supervision and other opportunities with our supervisor and experienced colleagues to reflect on how we plan for and support tamariki and rangatahi in distress.

We work with te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family and caregivers to understand:

  • how we can create an environment for te tamaiti or rangatahi to express their views, concerns or worries and participate in planning
  • how plans and supports put in place have helped to minimise or mitigate potentially stressful or distressing situations
  • what could be done differently in the future.

We explore and seek to understand our own responses to stressful situations and how these can affect or influence what is happening and how we can manage those reactions in situations where te tamaiti or rangatahi is or may be experiencing some distress.

Whai ākona practice framework domain