If we determine suicide or concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, we must create a person characteristic to record this.
CYRAS handbook – Creating a Person Record (staff resource)

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/care/caring-for-tamariki-in-care/all-about-me-plan-to-meet-the-needs-of-tamariki-and-rangatahi/
Printed: 28/03/2025
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Last updated: 23/03/2025

All About Me plan to meet the needs of tamariki and rangatahi

The All About Me plan is designed to enable us to respond to the needs of tamariki and rangatahi in the custody or care of the chief executive in line with the National Care Standards. It applies to care and protection and youth justice.

What is the All About Me plan

The All About Me plan is a living tool for developing, sharing and reviewing a support plan to meet the identified needs of te tamaiti or rangatahi. It involves collective decision-making that identifies specifically how we meet each need of te tamaiti or rangatahi and who will be responsible.

The All About Me plan must reflect the objectives and goals for tamariki and rangatahi agreed in the family group conference or court plan. The All About Me plan supports those goals and objectives and provides the details of how we will achieve these goals and objectives in a more detailed way. It also allows us to focus on all aspects of wellbeing, healing and maintaining connections at all times with tamariki and rangatahi, and their whānau or family and everyone important to them.

While the family group conference and court plan are set at moments in time, the All About Me plan allows us to be actively responsive to the changing needs of tamariki within the court or family group conference review periods.

If there is not an existing court or family group conference plan in place prior to tamariki and rangatahi coming into care the All About Me plan can be started anyway using existing information and assessment information.

National Care Standards — part 1

Who the National Care Standards apply to – plans and legal statuses (PDF 151 KB)

The All About Me plan reflects the requirements relating to mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga through requiring us to develop quality relationships with the significant people in the lives of tamariki and rangatahi. By consulting with everyone important to tamariki and rangatahi each section is completed over time. By maintaining contact with significant people in the life of te tamaiti or rangatahi the social worker can respond to any changes in te tamaiti or rangatahi needs by adjusting the details of the plan while keeping a focus on the overall objectives.

Explanation about where to find the plan on CYRAS and the functionality of the tool is located in the CYRAS guidelines.

The All About Me plan is divided into 3 parts.

Who is responsible for the plan

The key care and protection or youth justice social worker for te tamaiti or rangatahi is responsible for the All About Me plan.

Tamariki and rangatahi can have more than one worker. Co-workers can include:

  • youth justice social worker
  • care and protection social worker
  • residential case worker.

Key and co-social workers can decide who between them takes responsibility to maintain different sections of the All About Me plan. If required, call a consult and be guided by:

  • practice standards
  • the views of te tamaiti or rangatahi and who has the best working relationship with them.

If the social worker for te tamaiti or rangatahi is unable to actively support and maintain the requirements of the All About Me plan, then supervision can identify barriers and create solutions.

Allocating a key worker and co-worker

Working with tamariki and rangatahi in residences

How to work with the All About Me plan

Ideally, completing the details of the plan can best occur after engaging with and getting agreement from tamariki and rangatahi, key whānau or family, professionals and important people, including caregivers. When working with tamariki and rangatahi Māori or someone from a different culture seek appropriate cultural advice and guidance. Successful engagement requires adjusting your practice approach to meet the needs of who you are working with while maintaining safety, wellbeing and a focus on te tamaiti or rangatahi, in the context of their whānau or family, hapū, iwi and/or their community.

1 Open the plan and complete as much information as you can

Initially, complete as much information that is known. Some information from Part 1 will pre-populate from CYRAS. Some information may be handwritten in consultation with te tamaiti or rangatahi. Consider what the caregiver (or manager of a residence/group home) and te tamaiti or rangatahi needs to know and share to ensure the best care possible can occur. Initially there may be gaps in the plan but it will develop over time as assessments are completed and relationships developed.  The Tuituia assessment is used to identify what areas need to be focused on in the plan. 

2 Engage with te tamaiti or rangatahi straightaway

Key information is to be completed and shared with te tamaiti or rangatahi from the first day they are brought into care. This feedback loop is maintained over time as the plan is developed and things change. This information needs to be shared in a format that they understand. Our explanation needs to match their age and development and allow time for questions and answers.

3 Tamariki All About Me plan

To engage te tamaiti and rangatahi in conversations to gather and share information for their plan, the Tamariki All About Me plan template can be used as an engagement tool.

This will help them understand what their plan means and allows them to actively engage in the process — they have their own copy of their plan and they can refer back to it whenever they want to.

Tamariki All About Me plan — child-friendly version

4 Refer and link to any other plans

Tamariki and rangatahi can have a number of different plans that guide our actions and responsibilities. In youth justice and care and protection the family group conference and/or court plans set the goals and objectives. The All About Me working plan will align with the objectives of the family group conference and/or court plans and provide the details of how needs are being met in a day-to-day way. Other plans focus on specific areas, for example, a safety plan, Supervision with Activity Order, High and Complex Need (HCN) plan. These plans can be hyperlinked to the All About Me plan in the appropriate section and therefore become part of the All About Me plan. Because the All About Me plan covers all our responsibilities under the National Care Standards there is an expectation that when we are being guided by a specific plan the All About Me plan is also maintained.

Example of other plans:

  • Access orders from the Family Court may describe how often a parent will have contact with their tamaiti or rangatahi. Use the All About Me — My working plan section to describe the details of when, where and how the contact will occur.
  • There may be a safety plan associated with this access order. Use the All About Me plan to link to this information and ensure the right people have access to it.

The expectation is that information is not duplicated but the All About Me plan provides an up-to-date source document. It will record how we are supporting and responding holistically to tamariki and rangatahi in our care. When someone is new to the case, the All About Me plan provides them with an overview of who and what is important and what everyone has agreed to do. This will ensure that we maintain consistency in our intervention as workers and at times caregivers move out the lives of a tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family.  

5 Review and update the plan continuously

The All About Me plan is a living document which is intended to enable live-time reviewing and updating as we go. By maintaining involvement with te tamaiti or rangatahi, their caregiver and whānau or family it will become apparent when the plan, or parts of it, needs to be reviewed. Usually, this is because a plan is not addressing a need, a new or different need has arisen, or there has been a change in circumstances, such as in the circumstances of an allegation of abuse regarding te tamaiti. The care standards require us to update the plan so everyone is always clear about who is responsible for what.

For example: A 16-year-old rangatahi decides not to follow their Transition to Independence family group conference plan and leaves school. Together, the social worker, rangatahi and any other important people determine who can support the rangatahi into employment or alternative education. The objective in the family group conference plan was to engage in either education or employment so no family group conference review is required. Appointments are made, a plan is agreed to and the All About Me plan is updated to reflect the new arrangement.

6 Share the All About Me plan

CYRAS enables the social worker to select different parts of the All About Me plan to print off and give to different audiences.

Policy: Sharing information

Sharing information about tamariki and rangatahi