Residences – links
These links give easy access to the main policies, guidance and procedures relating to residences.Policy
Working with tamariki and rangatahi in residences
Working with rangatahi and tamariki in remand homes
Working with tamariki and rangatahi in supervised group homes
Working with tamariki and rangatahi who are missing, or whose absence is unauthorised
Escorting tamariki and rangatahi
Transition to adulthood – Preparation, assessment and planning
The journey through residence for tamariki and rangatahi
Staff resource: Residential care placements
Use of electronic communication in residences
Keeping children and young people safe at night
Policy and guidelines for medication management in Oranga Tamariki residences (2012)
Use of secure care in care and protection and youth justice residences
Searches of children or young people in Care and Protection and Youth Justice Residences
Detaining 17-year-old rangatahi in a youth unit of a prison (section 238(1)(f))
Supporting rangatahi in police custody under section 238(1)(e) before Youth Court hearing