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Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-approach/practice-framework/whai-akona/supervision/turanga-whakaaro/
Printed: 09/03/2025
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Last updated: 27/05/2024

Turanga whakaaro

This phase of the supervision session involves revisiting your foundation – the takepū or principles guiding your practice.

Principled practice model in decision-making

While the foundational takepū of the model are wairua, kaitiakitanga and whakapiki oranga, we draw on the Oranga Tamariki description of oranga, the 5 elements and 6 dimensions.

This phase helps us to be explicit in our application of oranga framing across the 3 expressions of kaimahi ora, mahi ora and whānau ora.

This phase also supports us in the protection of those we work with and ourselves, through having a strong sense of wellbeing and wellness, and grounding these experiences of engagement within our cultural values and beliefs.

The overall outcome should be better informed services to tamariki and whānau Māori and to all children and families.

Prompts: skills, knowledge and behaviours

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