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Thailand intercountry adoption factsheet
Occurs on: Preparing to be a caregiver or adoptive parent, Adoption – Intercountry adoption: adopting a tamaiti from overseas, Types of care
Thailand and New Zealand have agreed to follow the Hague Convention and adoptions must comply.
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Va'aifetū – working with Tongan families
Occurs on: Working with Pacific peoples: Va'aifetū
Tongan cultural framework for practice, including key principles.
Section 19 referrals to a Care and Protection Coordinator
This practice note provides clarity on the process, obligations and timeframes once a referral under section 19 is received by a care and protection coordinator.
Assessment and planning
SMART planning
Good planning should follow the SMART principles: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timeframed.
Working with Māori
Whakapapa research
Whakapapa research focuses on researching and identifying people, places and events that will provide tamariki with access to important cultural connections for their sense of belonging, wellbeing and identity.
Advertising for caregivers
This guidance helps us develop appropriate advertisements to attract caregivers, and sets out the process.
Assessment and planning
Allocating a key worker and co-worker
When a statutory assessment, investigation or intervention is required for a tamaiti or rangatahi, a key worker is allocated who holds responsibility for all case activity. A co-worker may assist the key worker for a specific purpose.
Practice tools
Using scaling questions
Scaling questions are a valuable assessment tool. They assume that things happen on a continuum and open up room for discussion about what could be different.
Partnered response
A partnered response is an early intervention for tamariki and whānau or family who have support needs that don't present a risk of serious harm for te tamaiti, and so don't need a statutory Oranga Tamariki response.
Strengthening Families interagency meeting to support whānau or family
At a Strengthening Families coordination meeting, a whānau or family works in partnership with government and community agencies to identify what would help the whānau or family meet the needs of their tamariki and rangatahi.