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Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/assessment-and-planning/assessments/specialist-topics/preventing-suicide-and-self-harm/
Printed: 09/03/2025
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Last updated: 23/02/2025

Preventing suicide and self-harm

We screen and assess tamariki and rangatahi who are at risk of killing or harming themselves. We build our understanding and create plans with tamariki, rangatahi and whānau or family that pursue improved and sustained oranga, particularly safety.

Being aware of suicide risk factors

Tamariki and rangatahi we work with often have complex emotional needs and issues, so it’s important we:

  • are aware of the suicide risk factors
  • know how to work with tamariki and rangatahi to understand this risk
  • develop plans that strengthen safety and work towards oranga.

Knowing the risk factors, triggers and indicators of suicide is important when assessing the safety of tamariki and rangatahi. This knowledge also supports the development of plans that address the issues and support oranga.

Towards Wellbeing resources | Clinical Advisory Services Aotearoa (CASA)

Suicide: worried about someone? | Mental Health Foundation

Tihei mauri ora: Supporting whānau through suicide distress | HealthEd

Towards wellbeing: Responding to the needs of young people – Developing and recording the suicide risk management plan (pages 54 to 58) (PDF 1 MB)

We also need to use our own supports when talking about suicide by:

  • using supervision and practising self-care
  • working as a team
  • using consults
  • considering who else needs to be involved.

Preventing suicide and self-harm

When we are concerned about te tamaiti or rangatahi because we recognise suicide risk factors, we work with te tamaiti or rangatahi, whānau or family and wider support networks to develop a plan that is focused on safety and aims to improve oranga.

1 Raise suicide risk concerns

When concerns about te tamaiti or rangatahi include self-harm or thoughts about suicide, we have to talk to them about this. We can be direct and ask te tamaiti or rangatahi about their thoughts – we listen, acknowledge their feelings and don't judge.

2 Screen and assess for suicide

We use one or more of the following screening and assessment tools.

Tiaki Oranga

When we have concerns (and we recognise the signals that te tamaiti or rangatahi may be at risk of self-harm, suicide, alcohol or drug abuse, or psychological distress) or someone else has raised a concern about the safety and wellbeing of te tamaiti or rangatahi, we use Tiaki Oranga to identify whether immediate action is required to secure their safety.

Tiaki Oranga

Tuituia framework health domain – Suicide ideation

We can identify suicide risk using our main assessment tool for te tamaiti and rangatahi – Tuituia and the subdomain under the health domain: Suicide ideation.

Tuituia framework health domain – Suicide ideation

SACs, Kessler and Suicide screens

When we’re worried that te tamaiti or rangatahi may have thoughts about suicide, and if we score under 5 in the Tuituia framework health domain – Suicide ideation, then we further assess them using our main suicide screening tool, the Substances and Choices Scale (SACS) and Kessler and Suicide (SKS) screens.

The suicide screen helps to identify whether te tamaiti or rangatahi has active thoughts of suicide and includes questions and prompts that we can ask directly to te tamaiti or rangatahi. This screen does not determine the risk level – it helps us to decide whether we need a more thorough assessment, identify the level of help and support needed, and how urgently we need to act.

When a suicide risk is identified, then we notify the Towards Wellbeing team for follow-up and planning.

Policy: Assessment – Suicide, psychological distress and substance abuse (SKS) screens

SKS screens

Suicide risk tool – question prompt examples

Towards Wellbeing

Towards Wellbeing is a suicide risk assessment and monitoring programme that is delivered by Clinical Advisory Services Aotearoa (CASA). Towards Wellbeing aims to reduce the number of suicides and suicide attempts by tamariki and rangatahi in our care.

Email the Towards Wellbeing programme or contact the Towards Wellbeing clinical advisor in your area.

Email: help@twb.org.nz

Towards Wellbeing suicide prevention programme

Clinical Advisory Services Aotearoa (CASA)

3 What we do when suicide risk is identified

When suicide risk is identified, we work with te tamaiti or rangatahi, their whānau or family and other professionals to secure immediate safety for te tamaiti or rangatahi and then develop a plan to safely restore their wellbeing.

When suicide risk is identified