Practice tool
Overview of the intake decision response tool
We use the intake decision response tool (DRT) to decide on the appropriate report of concern response pathway when we receive information or concerns for tamariki or rangatahi, including those in care or custody.How we use the intake decision response tool
1 Gather and assess information
We use prompts to gather and assess as much information as possible from the person reporting the concerns about te tamaiti or rangatahi.
2 Develop a decision response
If we determine that a report of concern requires a statutory response, we must decide the timeframe to complete the safety and risk screen.
Report of concern response timeframe
We then undertake the core assessment phase for a child and family assessment or investigation.
Report of concern response pathway
If we determine that a report of concern doesn't require a statutory response, we can still refer to services or we can decide that no further action is needed.
3 Record the decision response
We use contact records or casenotes to record decision responses.