On this page:
About the National Care Standards
The National Care Standards are set out in regulations (laws).
They are based on good social work practice and on what tamariki and rangatahi in care have said is most important to them, like supporting them to express their views, keeping them connected to their whānau or family, giving them opportunities to participate in their culture, and ensuring their education, health and recreation needs are met.
Legislation and changes: National Care Standards — myLearn (staff resource)
Who the National Care Standards apply to – plans and legal statuses (PDF 150 KB)
Resources to support our work with tamariki and rangatahi
We have a range of resources we can use when we’re working with tamariki and rangatahi in care, and there is guidance to help us know when and how to use them. They’re listed on this web page under each part of the National Care Standards.
Contact us with any feedback
Email: practice_centre@ot.govt.nz

Part 1 — Assessments, plan and visits
Needs assessments and plans for tamariki and rangatahi in care
We need to make sure every tamaiti and rangatahi in care has a holistic needs assessment that reflects their views, wishes, aspirations and strengths, and that the important people in their life have an opportunity to be heard and contribute.
- Policy: Assessment
- Guidance: Visits with tamariki in care or custody
- Guidance: Determining the frequency of visits to tamariki and rangatahi in care
- Guidance: Needs assessment — Assessing safety needs for tamariki in care
- Guidance: Needs assessment — Assessing the needs of tamariki in care
- Guidance: Assessment report (staff resource)
- Tool: Assessment video — myLearn (staff resource)
- Tool: Plans and legal statuses (PDF 151 KB)
- Tool: Connecting the Dots assessment and plans — myLearn (staff resource)
We need to make sure every tamaiti and rangatahi in care has a support (All About Me) plan developed with them and those supporting them that meets their needs and is reviewed and updated regularly.
- Policy: All About Me plan
- Policy: Visiting and engaging with tamariki in care
- Guidance: Tamariki All About Me plan — child-friendly version
- Guidance: All About Me plan to meet the needs of tamariki
- Tool: Tamariki All About Me plan (PDF 8.1 MB)
- Tool: All About Me plan (PDF 295 KB)
- Tool: How to guide — All About Me plan (DOCX 3.8 MB)
- Tool: Plans and legal statuses (PDF 151 KB)
- Tool: Connecting the Dots assessment and plans — myLearn (staff resource)

Part 2 — Support to meet needs
Meeting the needs of tamariki and rangatahi while they are in care
General support
We need to make sure support is available to tamariki and rangatahi in care to address their identified needs and assist them to access other support they need.
We need to make sure support is provided to tamariki and rangatahi in care to promote mana tamaiti by ensuring relationships are established and maintained with important people in their life.
Culture, belonging and identity
We need to make sure support is provided to understand and address the cultural and identity needs of tamariki and rangatahi in care in a manner that promotes mana tamaiti.
Play, recreation and community
We need to make sure support is provided to understand and address the play, recreational and community needs of tamariki and rangatahi in care.
We need to make sure we understand the health needs of every tamaiti and rangatahi, and how they will be addressed and ensure this is reflected in their All About Me plan.
We need to make sure we understand the education needs of every tamaiti and rangatahi, and how they will be addressed and ensure this is reflected in their All About Me plan.
Support for complaints, feedback and raising issues of concern
We need to make sure tamariki and rangatahi are really well supported to make a complaint, provide feedback, raise issues of concern and understand the outcome of their feedback.

Part 3 — Caregiver recruitment and support
Assessments, plans and support for caregivers
Info to caregivers
We need to make sure that caregivers have access to information about te tamaiti or rangatahi that will them help them understand the needs of te tamaiti or rangatahi and contribute towards meeting them.
Enquiry and application
We need to make sure that the caregivers are informed about the role of caregiving including the types of care and that the application process is clear.
Caregiver assessment and plan
We need to make sure every caregiver has access to the right support and services to help them meet the needs of tamariki and rangatahi in their care.
Prepare caregivers
We need to make sure that caregivers have access to preparation and induction resources that are tailored to their needs to ensure they can begin a placement with confidence.
Caregiver support
We need to assist and facilitate caregivers to access support and development so they are better able to provide safe, stable and loving homes.
- Policy: Caregiver support
- Policy: Review of caregiver approval
- Guidance: Caregiver support plan
- Guidance: Caregiver peer support
- Guidance: How to access respite care, advice, assistance and a support person
- Guidance: How to access caregiver support and development
- Tool: Caregiver Support Services Catalogue (xlsx 62KB) (staff resource)

Part 4 — Voice of the child
Supporting tamariki and rangatahi to express their views and contribute to their care experience
Life events
We need to make sure every tamaiti and rangatahi in care has a way to capture the important things happening in their life and support this.
We need to make sure tamariki and rangatahi in care can easily take their belongings with them and keep them safe.
Feedback and complaints
We need to make sure tamariki and rangatahi in care are supported to speak up if they're not getting the care they are entitled to and have support to do so.
Matters to be explained
We need to make sure tamariki and rangatahi in care receive information about their entitlements in a way they can understand.
- Policy: Working with tamariki and rangatahi in residences
- Policy: Participation of tamariki
- Guidance: The journey through residence for tamariki and rangatahi
- Guidance: Explaining rights and entitlements to tamariki and rangatahi
- Guidance: Using the My Rights My Voice cards and booklet
- Tool: My Rights My Voice cards (PDF 6.4 MB)
- Tool: My Rights My Voice poster (PDF 2.2 MB)
- Tool: How to order National Care Standards products (PDF 258 KB)
We need to make sure any allegations of abuse or neglect of tamariki and rangatahi in care are responded to promptly and appropriately and all parties are informed of the outcome.
Visits and caregiver profile
We need to make sure every tamaiti and rangatahi has an opportunity to find out about their potential caregiver before they go and stay with them.

Part 5 — Care transitions
Supporting tamariki and rangatahi during care transitions
Transitions assessment and planning
We need to make sure rangatahi are well supported when they leave care and transition into adulthood.
- Policy: Transitions within care
- Policy: Transition to adulthood — Preparation, assessment and planning
- Guidance: Transitioning between placements
- Guidance: Preparing to leave our care
- Guidance: Supporting rangatahi to develop their life skills
- Tool: Transitions plan (part of All About Me plan) (PDF 295 KB)
- Tool: QRG — myLearn (staff resource)

Part 6 — Monitoring
Monitoring and reporting on compliance with the National Care Standards
An Independent Monitor reports to the Minister for Children about compliance with the National Care Standards.
Aroturuki Tamariki Independent Children's Monitor
Oranga Tamariki and organisations that have legal custody of tamariki and rangatahi under section 396 of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 are also required to report on their own compliance with the National Care Standards.
The Partnering for Outcomes group in Oranga Tamariki supports this work.
Provider engagement
Care partners (396 providers) and Oranga Tamariki staff working together to achieve the National Care Standards
Care partners provide a range of care options for tamariki and their whānau/family under contract to Oranga Tamariki. Oranga Tamariki social workers and care partners need to work together to deliver quality care that meets the standards.
The Partnering for Outcomes group in Oranga Tamariki supports these relationships.
Partnering for Outcomes (staff resource)
The care partners service specifications describe the range of care options that care partners provide.
Care partners service specifications
The operational policy and practice guidance on the Practice Centre detail the roles and responsibilities of Oranga Tamariki social workers.