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Towards Wellbeing handbook (2000)
Occurs on: Preventing suicide and self-harm, When suicide risk is identified, Towards Wellbeing suicide prevention programme
Guide for recognising and assessing the needs and strengths of young people, and framework for analysis.
Assessment and planning
Responding to concerns involving extremism or radicalisation
What we need to focus on when we respond to oranga, care, protection or youth justice concerns for tamariki or rangatahi who are or may be engaged with or connected to extremist or radical groups or ideology where violence or threats of violence feature.
Explaining rights and entitlements to tamariki and rangatahi
Under the National Care Standards, every tamaiti and rangatahi is entitled to receive information about what they can expect when they are in care, and be supported to raise any concerns they have.
Completing police vetting
We police vet people, such as caregiver or adoptive parent applicants, mentors or volunteers, to help us assess their suitability.
Direct adoption applications to the Family Court
People who want to adopt a tamaiti who is known to them can make an adoption application directly to the New Zealand Family Court. When requested by the court, we assess adoptive applicants and provide a social worker’s report.
Recognition payments
Some rangatahi aged 18 to 21 who live with a transition caregiver have special or additional needs. We can recognise the additional living costs associated with these needs.
Assessment and planning
When adults who have sexually abused have contact with tamariki or rangatahi
We need to assess and understand what safety measures are in place to protect te tamaiti or rangatahi to minimise the risk of further opportunities for sexual abuse.
Unaccompanied tamariki and rangatahi – section 48
When Police use section 48 for tamariki or rangatahi found in a situation where their physical or mental health is, or is likely to be, impaired, we find an approved care arrangement, meet their immediate needs and assess their oranga (wellbeing).
Legal statuses for custody, guardianship or placement
The Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, Care of Children Act 2004, Adoption Act 1955 and Immigration Act 2009 have provisions for when Oranga Tamariki must approve the care arrangement for tamariki and rangatahi when they’re unable to live with their parents.
Facilitating the adoption of a tamaiti from overseas
We help adoptive applicants explore what’s involved in parenting a tamaiti from overseas. We provide information and can facilitate adoption of an unknown non-relative tamaiti from another country if NZ has an intercountry adoption programme with them.