We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles outbreak to prevent the transmission of the virus.
Measles and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/previous-practice-centre/policy/when-children-and-young-people-move/resources/
Printed: 16/07/2024
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When children and young people move (including overseas) policy — Resources

Changing locations is a particularly vulnerable time for mokopuna, which means it is even more important that we continue to be child-centred in our every interaction and always put the best interests of mokopuna first. This includes their need for cultural connectivity. It is our job to make sure their transition is as smooth as possible.

Templates for use when children and young people move or holiday overseas.

Interstate alert template (DOC 74 KB)

International Social Service (ISS) case summary template (DOC 81 KB)

Request for overseas assessment of caregivers — holiday placement template (DOC 112 KB)

Request for interstate transfer of casework tasks template (DOC 123 KB)

Request for family/whānau caregiver assessment in Australia template (DOC 171 KB)

Request to locate an overseas placement template (DOC 119 KB)

Request for interstate assessment of parent/s for reunification template (DOCX 84 KB)

Approval for repatriation/placement across international borders – memo template (DOCX 91 KB)