Responding to complex needs
Working with, and responding to, children and young people with complex needs requires a multi-disciplinary approach and good planning, widespread consultation, and a willingness to think creatively about how the needs can best be met within the child or young person’s own community.
Planning with rangatahi for their transition from care to adulthood
Planning is agreed and updated by an appropriate, comprehensive whānau decision-making process, such as a family group conference or a hui ā-whānau or family meeting process. It needs to be well facilitated and inclusive.
Supporting tamariki with their education and training needs
We support tamariki to access education services both to maintain their learning and to meet their specific educational needs. Good education outcomes are essential to good life outcomes.
Preparing for the care and protection family group conference
A referral for a family group conference is made when there is a belief that te tamaiti or rangatahi is in need of care or protection, or a conference would help whānau or family make a plan to address the oranga (wellbeing) of te tamaiti or rangatahi.
Residential care
The journey through a care and protection residence for tamariki and rangatahi
We want tamariki and rangatahi to reach their full potential. Residential care provides a safe and stable placement for tamariki and rangatahi when they aren’t able to be placed in the community.
Assessment and planning
Working effectively with whānau or families impacted by violence
Family violence is abusive behaviour that can occur across whakapapa and generations and has complex causes. To support change, we consider restorative approaches that engage the whole whānau or family, rather than focusing on individuals or incidences.
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Casenote example – hui ā-whānau
Occurs on: Recording casework
Example of a casenote for a hui ā-whānau created by a social worker.
Care, Policy
Caregiver and adoptive applicant assessment and approval
The requirements for the assessment and approval of prospective caregivers (family/whānau and non-whānau) and adoptive applicants (domestic and inter-country adoption).
Care, Policy
Caregiver support
The requirements for providing support to Oranga Tamariki approved caregivers (whānau or family and non-whānau or family).
Residential care, Policy
Working with tamariki and rangatahi in supervised group homes
This policy sets out requirements to support tamariki and rangatahi in, or transitioning to or from, a supervised group home.