We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/core-practice/practice-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-domains/
Printed: 08/02/2025
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Last updated: 01/04/2019

The Tuituia framework and domains

An overview of how to use the Tuituia framework and information on each of the domains and subdomains, including dynamic risk factors.

Upcoming changes for this content

This content will be strengthened so it more completely reflects our commitment to practice framed by te Tiriti o Waitangi, based on a mana-enhancing paradigm for practice, and drawing from ​Te Ao Māori principles of oranga to support mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. We each need to consider how we can apply these principles to our practice when reading this content. The following resources provide support:
Practice for working effectively with Māori
Our practice approach

What is Tuituia

Tuituia is our single assessment tool for the tamariki we work with.

It has three parts:

  1. The Tuituia framework
  2. The Tuituia recording tool
  3. The Tuituia report

Tuia ngā āhuatanga o te ao o te mokopuna kia whai oranga!

— Weaving together core aspects of the mokopuna world to enhance wellbeing.

When to use it

All assessment activity must be guided by the Tuituia assessment framework.

The depth and breadth of each assessment is determined by the nature of the concerns, the unique circumstances of each mokopuna and the purpose of our engagement with them. Complete as many domains as required to evidence your decision-making.

Policy: Assessment

Who uses it

The social worker for the mokopuna is responsible for updating the recording tool and completing the assessment report, in consultation with other professionals working with the mokopuna.

If the mokopuna has more than one allocated Oranga Tamariki social worker and/or residential case leader, they'll work together to ensure the Tuituia assessment is current and relevant.

How to use it

1 Tuituia framework

The framework guides all our assessment activity. It:

  • offers a holistic view of the mokopuna that can be shared throughout our care and protection, youth justice, residential and high needs services
  • provides a consistent framework and focus for information sharing and collaborative cross-agency work.

The framework domains

Tuituia assessment framework (PDF 338 KB)

When we're assessing the wellbeing of the mokopuna, we look across three domains:

  • Mokopuna ora — their holistic wellbeing
  • Kaitiaki mokopuna — their caregiver's capacity to nurture their wellbeing
  • Te ao hurihuri — the whānau, social, cultural and environmental influences surrounding them.

Using the domains and subdomains

For each domain, decide which subdomains you need to explore in your assessment. Each subdomain has assessment prompts and scaling descriptors to guide your planning and information gathering.

Using scaling questions

Assessment and planning

For mokopuna who offend, you must explore all the subdomains that are known to be dynamic risk factors.

Dynamic risk factors

Mokopuna ora domains

Attachments — Tuituia domain 

Health — Tuituia domain

Behaviour — Tuituia domain

Identity and culture — Tuituia domain

Friendships — Tuituia domain

Learning and achievement — Tuituia domain

Education — Tuituia domain

Kaitiaki mokopuna subdomains

Safety and basic care — Tuituia subdomain

Safe parenting factors — Tuituia subdomain

Skills and knowledge — Tuituia subdomain

Relationship with child or young person — Tuituia subdomain

Guidance and supervision — Tuituia subdomain

Te ao huri huri domain and subdomains

Te ao huri huri — Tuituia domain

Networks of support — Tuituia subdomain

Resources available — Tuituia subdomain

Family/whānau/hapu/iwi — Tuituia subdomain

2 Tuituia assessment recording tool

The tool is where we record the areas of need, strength and risk for the mokopuna, and their parents or caregivers.

It is used from intake to discharge to inform our:

  • intervention plan
  • placement decisions
  • ongoing work with mokopuna, their whānau or family, caregivers and other agencies.

You can start using the tool as soon as the mokopuna is entered as a client in CYRAS.

The tool must be kept up-to-date throughout the duration of the case — you can add and update information at any time.

You don't have to use the assessment recording tool if the decision at the safety and risk screen is No Further Action (NFA) or Partnered Response (PR) — however you must still complete a report.

Using the Tuituia recording tool

3 Tuituia report

The report is generated from the recording tool. It's the written record of an assessment at a single point in time.

The Tuituia report is designed to be used:

  • as the assessment summary when completing a child and family assessment or investigation
  • as a report to a family group conference or court
  • at other times when a social work assessment is required to support a social work decision, such as referral for a residential or high needs placement, referral for a Gateway assessment, review of a plan or case closure.

Tailor the content of each report to the purpose of the assessment.

Completing the Tuituia report