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Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/core-practice/practice-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-domains/relationship-with-child-or-young-person-tuituia-subdomain/
Printed: 14/01/2025
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Last updated: 01/04/2019

Relationship with child or young person — Tuituia subdomain

The nature of the relationship the parents/caregivers has with the mokpuna and what that has been like over the course of their life.

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This content will be strengthened so it more completely reflects our commitment to practice framed by te Tiriti o Waitangi, based on a mana-enhancing paradigm for practice, and drawing from ​Te Ao Māori principles of oranga to support mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. We each need to consider how we can apply these principles to our practice when reading this content. The following resources provide support:
Practice for working effectively with Māori
Our practice approach

Subdomain: View of the mokopuna

The assessment takes into account the parents/caregivers feelings about the mokopuna, and their ability and motivation to put the needs of mokopuna first.

Assessment prompts

  • How does the parent/caregiver demonstrate enjoyment in their parenting role?
  • Do they speak positively about the mokopuna?
  • Can they see things from the mokopuna perspective?
  • What particular meaning (positive, negative or otherwise) does the mokopuna have to their parent/caregiver?

Descriptors: view of the mokopuna

10 — The adult is respectful of the child or young person and expects others to respect, care for and value the child or young person. They express joy about being a parent/caregiver to this child. The child or young person is seen as a taonga who adds value.

5 — Antenatal ambivalence or rejection has mostly shifted to a positive view. The child or young person is mostly viewed in positive and developmentally appropriate ways, however the adult cannot consistently sustain that view and returns to previously held negative view when stressed.

1 — An unwanted pregnancy (may have been disguised and/or a termination attempted) with no antenatal care arranged. Child or young person is viewed as a problem or is expected to meet parents/caregivers needs and/or take on adult responsibilities. Views child or young person in hateful/spiteful manner and refers to them in negative, critical, hostile or distorted terms.

Subdomain: Emotional interaction

The assessment examines the nature of the provision of emotional warmth; giving mokopuna a sense of being valued and belonging.

Assessment prompts

How do the parents/caregivers demonstrate:

  • affection — warmth, physical closeness, and positive expressions toward the mokopuna?
  • responsiveness — to mokopuna cues, emotions, words, interests, and behaviors?
  • encouragement — active support of exploration, effort, skills, initiative, curiosity, creativity, and play?
  • guidance — shared conversation and play, cognitive stimulation, explanations, and questions?

Descriptors: emotional interaction

10 — There is a continuous, consistent supportive, warm and affectionate relationship between the adult and the child. Responds consistently and sensitively to the emotional needs of the child or young person — when distressed, hurt, ill they are able to effectively soothe, settle and calm them. Their behaviour is predictable to the child or young person — words and actions match. They are interested in and engaged with the child or young person and can put the child or young person’s needs above their own.

5 — Shows some interest in, sensitivity, warmth and affection towards the child or young person and their needs, but this are inconsistent especially when the adult is under stress.

1 — Shows no interest, sensitivity or awareness of the child or young person and their needs. Actively rejects and/or is emotionally unresponsive towards them, shows little warmth or affection or is predominantly coercive, threatening, frightening, overly critical, domineering, withdrawn and/or unresponsive. Consistently prioritises own needs and desires over the child or young person’s essential needs.