We modify our usual social work practice approach in the context of a measles or whooping cough outbreak to prevent the transmission of the viruses. Measles, whooping cough and immunisation

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/core-practice/practice-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-tools/the-tuituia-framework-and-domains/networks-of-support-tuituia-subdomain/
Printed: 08/02/2025
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Last updated: 01/04/2019

Networks of support — Tuituia subdomain

Explores social and community relationships, cultural connections and community resources that are available to and used by mokopuna and their whānau or family.

Upcoming changes for this content

This content will be strengthened so it more completely reflects our commitment to practice framed by te Tiriti o Waitangi, based on a mana-enhancing paradigm for practice, and drawing from ​Te Ao Māori principles of oranga to support mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. We each need to consider how we can apply these principles to our practice when reading this content. The following resources provide support:
Practice for working effectively with Māori
Our practice approach

Subdomain: Social and community relationships

Note that this subdomain is considered from a mokopuna ora perspective and kaitiaki mokopuna perspective. As mokopuna enter their teenage years and prepare for adulthood it is important that they develop these relationships for themselves. Consequently the scaling descriptors differ.

Assessment prompts

  • What social networks are available in the neighbourhood and community within which the mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers live?
  • Are these networks accessible and relevant to the mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers?
    • what meaning do they place on them?
  • How active is the mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers in local networks – what is their level of connectedness to friends, peer groups, social groups and what importance do they attach to them?
  • To what extent do these networks reinforce positive parenting, positive relationships and activities that are helpful and supportive – the degree to which they strengthen pro-social behaviours and relationships or support anti-social, harmful or dangerous/risk taking behaviour?
  • Use an ecomap to make these visible to everyone.

Descriptors: social and community relationships

Mokopuna Ora perspective 

10 — Active within their local community, has strong positive social networks and is involved in a range of social, community, recreational activities either as an individual or in association with parents/caregivers. Has an adult with whom he/she can confide, who supports or mentors them and is a positive role model.

5 — Is developing some social networks and/or involvement in their community either as an individual or in association with parents/caregivers.

1 — Socially isolated either by own or whānau or family choices or other circumstances outside of their control. Social networks reinforce concerning behaviours or offending. Community relationships do not exist or are a source of danger and harm to the child or young person’s overall wellbeing.

Kaitiaki Mokopuna perspective

10 — Active and respected within local community. Has a strong positive social network which provides positive pro-social role models for the child or young person in their care.

5 — Has formed/is beginning to form a variety of positive and supportive relationships, however requires encouragement to sustain them.

1 — Socially isolated either by own choices or other circumstances outside of their control. Social networks reinforce concerning behaviour or offending. Community relationships do not exist or are a source of danger and harm to the wellbeing of the child or young person in their care.

Subdomain: Cultural connectedness

Note that this subdomain is considered from a Mokopuna Ora perspective and Kaitiaki Mokopuna perspective. As mokopuna enter their teenage years and prepare for adulthood it is important for them to develop these connections for themselves. Consequently the scaling descriptors differ.

Remember that the narrative entered in the Kaitiaki Mokopuna assessment comes into the Cultural Considerations section of the Tuituia Report. Ensure what you record here will make sense in the context of that report.

Assessment prompts

  • What cultural/faith based support and groups are available to mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers within their neighbourhood and community?
  • To what extent are these utilised?
  • When they are utilised what importance is placed on them by mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers?
  • If they are not utilised, why is that?

Descriptors: cultural connectedness

Mokopuna Ora perspective 

10 — Well connected to the people, groups and places that provide an anchor for the child or young person’s cultural and/or faith based values. These promote pro social values and provide positive role models for them.

5 — Connections are being formed but are not yet fully established or current connections provide limited positive support.

1 — Isolated from cultural or faith based supports. Actively shuts themselves off, or does not know about the supports available. Supports are available but do not feel comfortable accessing them.

Kaitiaki Mokopuna perspective

10 — Well supported by people, groups and places that support their cultural and/or faith based values and beliefs. These actively promote and support positive parenting and whānau or family wellbeing.

5 — Connections are being formed but not yet fully established or current connections provide limited positive support.

1 — Isolated from cultural or faith based supports. Actively shuts themselves off or does not know about the supports available. Supports are available, but do not feel comfortable accessing them or they do not promote positive parenting and whānau or family wellbeing.

Subdomain: Community services

Assessment prompts

  • What community services and/or resources are available to the mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers?
  • Are these services and resources accessible and relevant to the mokopuna, their family and/or caregivers?
  • What are the barriers, e.g. transport, language, health, literacy
  • What universal services and community resources are the mokopuna and/or their family connected to?

Descriptors: community services

Mokopuna Ora perspective

10 — Full availability, access to and use of community services/resources. These might include sports clubs, recreational facilities, libraries, playgrounds, health, disability or social services etc.

5 — Some use of community services/resources but this is limited due to travel or financial costs. Limited age appropriate services exist.

1 — Availability of and access to community services/resources is limited or not used.

Kaitiaki Mokopuna perspective

10 — Full availability, access to and use of community services/resources. These might include sports clubs, recreational facilities, libraries, playgrounds, health, disability or social services etc.

5 — Some use of community services/resources but this is limited due to travel or financial costs. Limited age appropriate services exist.

1 — Availability of and access to community services/resources is limited or not used.