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Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/our-work/assessment-and-planning/assessments/conducting-an-assessment/
Printed: 14/01/2025
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Last updated: 01/04/2019

Conducting an assessment

We plan the assessment and then gather and analyse information, which we summarise using the Tuituia assessment report.

Upcoming changes for this guidance

This content will be strengthened so it more completely reflects our commitment to practice framed by te Tiriti o Waitangi, based on a mana-enhancing paradigm for practice, and drawing from ​Te Ao Māori principles of oranga to support mana tamaiti, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. We each need to consider how we can apply these principles to our practice when reading this guidance. The following resources provide support:
Practice for working effectively with Māori
Our practice approach

What is assessment

We use the assessment process to:

  • assess the safety of te tamaiti
  • identify strengths in te tamaiti, their parents and whānau or family and environment
  • identify needs that aren't being met
  • identify services that could address these needs.

When an assessment is required

Assessments are required when we first begin working with te tamaiti and at various points thereafter.

Policy: Assessment

Conducting an assessment

Below is the general process for all assessment work. 

1 Plan the assessment

Before we begin any assessment, we should:

  • outline the purpose of the assessment
  • agree the Tuituia domain areas to be explored and to what depth
  • decide how and from whom the information will be gathered
  • research the whānau or family history — their whakapapa (significant people, places and cultural values) and their history with Oranga Tamariki.

The Tuituia framework and domains

All assessment activity must be guided by the Tuituia assessment framework.

The Tuituia framework and domains

2 Gather information

We must gather information from a wide range of sources — te tamaiti, whānau, wider family, teachers, hospital staff, and others, and CYRAS records.

We must:

  • have direct contact with tamariki, their parents/caregivers, significant whānau or family members and other professionals working with them and their whānau or family
  • give tamariki reasonable opportunities to freely express their views and be supported if they have difficulty in doing so.

Practice standard: See and engage tamariki

Practice standard: See and engage whānau, wider family, caregivers and, when appropriate, victims of offending by tamariki

3 Analyse the information

Once you've gathered your information, use your professional judgement to analyse the picture that has formed.


Cumulative harm

Practice triggers

Definitions of abuse, neglect and harm

Tool: Child/young person and family consult

The consult can be used during the assessment to inform the analysis and next steps.

Child/young person and family consult

4 Record your analysis

We must:

  • record the views of te tamaiti in the "child or young person's views" section of the Tuituia recording tool
  • use the Tuituia recording tool to record the analysis of the needs, strengths and risks for te tamaiti and their parents/caregivers.

Tool: The Tuituia recording tool

The Tuituia recording tool is where you document the information you've gathered in the course of your assessment and record your analysis.

Using the Tuituia recording tool

5 Write your report

Once you've gathered and analysed all your information, you'll complete a written summary of your assessment using the Tuituia assessment report. This will feed into making a recommendation for te tamaiti.

The Tuituia assessment report must:

  • see the needs of te tamaiti in a holistic way with a focus on long-term outcomes
  • clearly articulate the risks and strengths of te tamaiti, their whānau and caregivers
  • clearly identify what needs to change for te tamaiti or show what's working for them.

If possible, you should share both your Tuituia report and recommendations with the whānau or family — they have a right to know what you think and how you came to a particular conclusion or finding. Include their responses in your report.

Your completed Tuituia report must be approved by your supervisor.

Tool: The Tuituia report

The Tuituia report is the written record of an assessment.

Completing the Tuituia report