Assessment and planning, Practice tools
Completing the Tuituia report
The Tuituia report is the written record of an assessment at a single point in time.
Working with Māori, Practice approach
Working with Māori: Te Toka Tūmoana
The Te Toka Tūmoana framework is built on the integrity and distinctness of Māori beliefs and practices, to advance tamariki ora within the context of our work.
Practice tools
Gateway assessments
A gateway assessment is an interagency process that helps to clarify and identify ways to address the health and education needs of tamariki we work with.
Care, Policy
Transition to adulthood — Advice and assistance
This policy provides key information to help ensure our advice and assistance meets the needs of eligible rangatahi and helps them move towards independence.
Information sharing
Requesting information
The provisions make it clear we can request information if we believe it’s in the best interests of tamariki and will support their wellbeing or safety.
Working with Māori
Hui ā-whānau
Hui ā-whānau are a whānau gathering facilitated using Māori methods of engagement and protocols (te reo me ōna tikanga). They are initiated and facilitated by either whānau themselves or Oranga Tamariki staff to engage whānau as early as possible.
How to access respite care, advice, assistance and a support person
Caregivers need a good support network, advice and respite in order to provide safe, stable and loving homes. Planning for regular breaks, attending a support group or talking with someone who understands can provide invaluable benefits for a caregiver.
Interventions, Youth justice
14-day remand reviews of tamariki and rangatahi detained in a residence (section 242(1A)) or Corrections youth unit (section 242(2B))
We monitor tamariki and rangatahi who are detained in an Oranga Tamariki residence or Corrections youth unit in a prison at least once every 14 days. We try to find a community-based or other less restrictive placement option where appropriate.
Intercountry adoption applications to the Family Court
When adoptive applicants apply for intercountry adoption directly to the Family Court, we determine the best way to proceed depending on the countries of residence of all parties to the adoption application. We liaise with the Intercountry Adoption Team.
The New Zealand Central Authority and accredited adoption agencies under the Hague Convention
An adoption of te tamaiti from overseas countries by New Zealand citizens and permanent residents must comply with New Zealand’s international obligations and the laws of the countries involved within the framework and principles of the Hague Convention.