If we determine suicide or concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, we must create a person characteristic to record this.
CYRAS handbook – Creating a Person Record (staff resource)

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-centre-style-and-content-guide/digital-styles/typography/
Printed: 31/03/2025
Printed pages may be out of date. Please check this information is current before using it in your practice.

Last updated: 29/10/2020


This page outlines the styles and spacing of type on the Practice Centre and how it should be used.


We use Roboto, which is the standard Oranga Tamariki font. 

  • It can be used in regular or bold font weights. 
  • All headings should be Roboto Bold.

Our font stack is for situations where Roboto cannot be used. The fonts are listed in the order they should appear:

  • Roboto
  • Helvetica
  • Arial
  • Sans-serif 

General typography

We use the following sizes and spacing for heading and text styles. All sizes and spacing use rems (based on the body size of 18px) or ems (based on the font size of the element). 


Heading 1

Used for page headings.  
Small screens: 1.6rem (28.8px)
Large screens: 2.1rem (38px)

Heading 2

Used for block headings.  
All screens: 2rem (36px)

Heading 3

Used for subheadings in text content.
All screens: 1.625rem (29.25px)

Heading 4

Used for headings in process steps and subheadings in text content.
All screens: 1.375rem (24.75px)
Heading 5
Used for accordion headings and subheadings. 
All screens: 1.25rem (23.625px)
Heading 6
All screens: 1rem (18px)
Paragraph All screens: 1rem (18px)