If we determine suicide or concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, we must create a person characteristic to record this.
CYRAS handbook – Creating a Person Record (staff resource)

Page URL: https://practice.orangatamariki.govt.nz/practice-centre-style-and-content-guide/how-we-write/checklist-writing-for-the-web/
Printed: 31/03/2025
Printed pages may be out of date. Please check this information is current before using it in your practice.

Last updated: 01/04/2019

Checklist — writing for the web

If you need web content added, removed or updated on the Practice Centre, you can provide the content designers with a list of bullet points, a summary or an initial draft. This checklist will help you write an initial draft.

Overview page

All topics should have an overview page (also known as a topic page). The overview page has a set structure, which makes sure we cover all the important things that practitioners need to know about the topic — what, when, who, how.

Each overview page needs a:

  • title — clear and descriptive
  • summary — maximum 255 characters
  • 'What [topic] is' section
  • 'When to use it' section
  • 'Who uses it' section
  • 'How to use it' section — this is usually a numbered, step-by-step list that links to the more detailed guidance pages
  • set of links to related policies, guidance information and resources.


Care and protection family group conference

Guidance page

Guidance pages contain more detailed practice guidance around a specific process step or nuance of practice. Guidance pages sit underneath overview pages.

Each guidance page needs a:

  • title — clear and descriptive
  • summary — maximum 255 characters
  • main body with the detailed guidance — no set structure
  • set of links to related policies, guidance information and resources.


Caregiver review meetings

Writing for the web

When you’re writing for the web:

  • try to write no more than 2 A4 pages for each web page
  • write using plain language – for example:
    • use active sentences most of the time
    • keep sentences and paragraphs short
    • use short words, such as 'use' not 'utilise', and 'before' not 'prior to'
    • avoid jargon
  • break text up with descriptive headings
  • break text up with bullet points
  • put links on a separate line.

Useful link

How we write