Last updated: 24/02/2025
Common terms
How we write common terms and names for our tools, reference legislation and refer to the tamariki we work with.Referring to children and their families
We use:
- tamariki (plural) and tamaiti (singular) when referring to children ('te tamaiti' means 'the child')
- rangatahi when referring to a teenager or young adult
- whānau or family when referring to a group of relatives for te tamaiti or rangatahi
- family, whānau, hapū, iwi and family group when referring to a wider family group.
Talking about our tools and frameworks
We capitalise:
- Va'aifetū – in full: Working with Pacific peoples: Va'aifetū
- Te Toka Tūmoana – in full: Working with Māori: Te Toka Tūmoana
- the Tuituia framework
- the Tuituia recording tool
- the Tuituia report
- Child Protection Protocol (CPP).
We don't capitalise:
- gateway assessment
- child/young person and family consult
- three houses
- child and family assessment or investigation
- the names of our practice standards.
Other common terms
We use:
- casenote (one word)
- decision-making (hyphenated)
- section 396 (for example) when referencing legislation – not s396 or s.396.